Monday, May 31, 2010

I know

Look guys, I know I'm boring. I know.
If you read my blog, I'm guessing you really care about me or you're bored too. Either way thank you :]
I don't know how much I'll be posting over the next month seeing that I'm leaving to Texas on Saturday!!!
Now, I understand that I'm not famous or whatever makes people read others blogs, this is just something that makes me feel like my voice is being heard. I hope one day, I'll be able to put up something extremely interesting on here, but till then, thanks for sticking with me. I love you!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It has been a while since I posted, if those who read are still reading, thanks. Last week Chris and I decided to fast. No t.v. shows, talking to each other, chating sites and bad music. I have to say, it was awesome. I learned so much and it was the best. I strongle recomend fasting, people might think its boring, but that is the opposite.
Next, I have to tell you how excited I am that school is OVER for me! Now, I love my friends and love seeing them, but geez, how perverted teenager can be! It kills me to hear the things that I hear. I really honestly feel bad about not being enough of a witness to them. I feel like I've done nothing to show how great Jesus is. Even with this, I am very glad that its the summer and next week I get to see my madre and sisters!
This visit is highly anticipated. When I moved here I didn't realize how much you can miss someone. I have needed my moms increadlibly tight hugs so much lately and my sisters to talk to. Even with the awesome girls here that I consider sister-like, the sad truth is that they aren't. Nothing can replace my family.

Oh, and one more thing... my new twenty something year old friends got married on saturday! It was beautiful and I loved seeing God bring two great people together. CONGRATS TO JEN AND JONATHAN BLAIR!